Eating Disorder Recovery Articles

Why Can’t I Stop Thinking About Food?

Why Can’t I Stop Thinking About Food?

Do you find yourself constantly thinking about food? Well, you might be surprised to hear that you're not alone. Many people experience this, especially in the context of dieting, not eating enough, or restricting certain types of food. This experience is a facet of...

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How Do I Deal with Negative Body Image?

How Do I Deal with Negative Body Image?

Negative body image is more common than you think, especially in a society that often emphasizes unrealistic beauty standards. If you’re experiencing negative feelings about your body, know that you’re not alone. At Confidently Nourished, we specialize in...

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What Is It Like to Work with an Eating Disorder Dietitian?

What Is It Like to Work with an Eating Disorder Dietitian?

If you’ve been considering working with an eating disorder dietitian, you might be wondering what the experience will be like, especially if the dietitian follows weight-neutral, intuitive eating principles. Whether you’re struggling with disordered eating, a...

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How Do I Know If I Have ARFID?

How Do I Know If I Have ARFID?

If you’ve spent any time on social media over the last few months, you’ve probably stumbled across creators like Hannah Lea (@myarfidlife) or Kevin Jarvis (@kevindoesarfid). What do they have in common? They share their journey with ARFID or Avoidant/Restrictive Food...

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Shattering Beauty Norms: Understanding Body Liberation

Shattering Beauty Norms: Understanding Body Liberation

Imagine if you could silence the voices, both external and internal, that constantly judge your body. Imagine if you could step off the treadmill of endless dieting and body modification, and just be. Imagine living a life where your value is not tied to the number on...

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The Truth about Food Moralization

The Truth about Food Moralization

If you’ve gone through the waves of dieting, it’s likely that you have beliefs in your mind about what foods are “good” and what foods are “bad.”  Maybe you tell yourself:  “You can’t eat that, it’s bad.” “You can’t eat that, it has too much sugar in it.”...

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5 Popular Fad Diets We Don’t Recommend as Dietitians

5 Popular Fad Diets We Don’t Recommend as Dietitians

In the search for health and wellness, it's easy to get drawn into the allure of quick-fix solutions and trendy diets that promise fast results. While the idea of losing weight fast or "resetting" your body might sound appealing, it's important to understand what...

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3 Tips for Overcoming Disordered Eating Behaviors

3 Tips for Overcoming Disordered Eating Behaviors

Today, we're diving into an important topic that affects many of us: disordered eating. It often sits on a spectrum between normal eating and an eating disorder, encompassing a range of symptoms and behaviors. Disordered eating behaviors often resemble those found in...

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3 Key Differences between Eating Disorders & Disordered Eating

3 Key Differences between Eating Disorders & Disordered Eating

Did you know that there’s a difference between eating disorders and disordered eating?! People often use these terms interchangeably, but it's important to know that they have unique qualities and affect people's well-being in different ways. We're here to shed light...

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The Power of Meal Support in Eating Disorder Recovery

The Power of Meal Support in Eating Disorder Recovery

Welcome to our blog post on the incredible power of meal support in eating disorder recovery! If you or a loved one are navigating the challenging journey of overcoming an eating disorder or disordered eating habits, meal support can play a vital role in the healing...

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6 Steps to Differentiating Your ED Voice from You

6 Steps to Differentiating Your ED Voice from You

As registered dietitians, we understand that those struggling with eating disorders and disordered eating often have an internal dialogue, known as the "eating disorder voice." This voice can be LOUD, persistent, and overwhelming, leading to harmful behaviors and...

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Exploring Eating Disorders: ARFID Edition

Exploring Eating Disorders: ARFID Edition

Are you a picky eater? Or do you know someone who is super selective about what they eat? Well, what if we told you that there's an eating disorder that's more than just picky eating? That's right, we're talking about Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (ARFID)....

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