Intuitive Eating Articles

Why Can’t I Stop Thinking About Food?

Why Can’t I Stop Thinking About Food?

Do you find yourself constantly thinking about food? Well, you might be surprised to hear that you're not alone. Many people experience this, especially in the context of dieting, not eating enough, or restricting certain types of food. This experience is a facet of...

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How Do I Deal with Negative Body Image?

How Do I Deal with Negative Body Image?

Negative body image is more common than you think, especially in a society that often emphasizes unrealistic beauty standards. If you’re experiencing negative feelings about your body, know that you’re not alone. At Confidently Nourished, we specialize in...

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Should I Use Ozempic or Wegovy?

Should I Use Ozempic or Wegovy?

The decision to use Ozempic or Wegovy for weight loss is a deeply personal one and requires careful consideration, especially if you are someone who struggles with eating disorders or disordered eating. As a practice of dietitians specializing in weight neutrality and...

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What Is It Like to Work with an Eating Disorder Dietitian?

What Is It Like to Work with an Eating Disorder Dietitian?

If you’ve been considering working with an eating disorder dietitian, you might be wondering what the experience will be like, especially if the dietitian follows weight-neutral, intuitive eating principles. Whether you’re struggling with disordered eating, a...

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5 Ways to Empower Your Summer with Intuitive Eating

5 Ways to Empower Your Summer with Intuitive Eating

Embrace Summer with Intuitive EatingHow to Enjoy YOUR Summer (regardless of food + body)Get Support Embrace Summer with Intuitive Eating Summer – the season of beach days, backyard barbecues, and basking in the warmth of the sun. But for some of us, this time of year...

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The Truth about Food Moralization

The Truth about Food Moralization

If you’ve gone through the waves of dieting, it’s likely that you have beliefs in your mind about what foods are “good” and what foods are “bad.”  Maybe you tell yourself:  “You can’t eat that, it’s bad.” “You can’t eat that, it has too much sugar in it.”...

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3 Ways to Practice Gentle Nutrition

3 Ways to Practice Gentle Nutrition

Gentle nutrition is probably something you've heard of before you've been learning about intuitive eating for a while. Maybe your favorite intuitive eating or anti-diet account has written about it or maybe you’ve talked about it with a dietitian on our team...

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What is the Peaceful Plate?

What is the Peaceful Plate?

The peaceful plate is a visual representation of how to create a balanced plate. But before we dive into the details of what it entails, it’s important that we discuss what balanced eating actually means. What is balanced eating?The Difference Between Nutrition...

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What are the 3 Different Pillars of Self-compassion?

What are the 3 Different Pillars of Self-compassion?

We've all heard that we need to be more kind toward ourselves and treat ourselves with more "self-compassion," but what does that actually mean? In today’s blog post, we’re going to be breaking down the three elements of self-compassion.  Buddhist psychology...

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The Power of Positive Affirmations

The Power of Positive Affirmations

The power of positive affirmations come from their ability to help shift negative thoughts. Most people have battled with negative thoughts about themselves or the world around them at some point. While there are many strategies to deal with these negative thoughts,...

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What is Intuitive Eating?

What is Intuitive Eating?

So what is intuitive eating anyway? Who created intuitive eating? This anti-diet approach was created by dietitians Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch, both CERDs (certified eating disorder dietitians). Their original book came out What are the benefits? Increased...

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