My Favorite Toast Combos

Jan 22, 2019

Everyone has been sharing toast recipes lately, so I thought I would share some of my favorite toast combos.

One of my go to breakfasts has to be toast with whatever topping I’m into at the moment. Currently I’m on a sweet toast kick, but savory always finds it’s way back into my life.  Not only are these toasts satisfying, they are flavorful as well.  There are dozens of toast ideas out there but here are some of my current favorites!

almond butter blueberry toast

Almond Butter & Blueberries:⁣⠀
-Spread almond butter on toast⁣⠀
-Top with blueberries & chia seeds⁣⠀

avocado toast
Avocado Toast (an oldie but a goody):⁣⠀
-Mash avocado with fresh lime juice, cilantro, pepper, & salt.⁣⠀
-Fry up an egg your favorite way⁣⠀
-Top with red pepper flakes & extra cilantro ⁣⠀

hummus pesto toast

Hummus & Pesto Toast:⁣⠀
-Spread hummus on toast⁣⠀
-Slice up a tomato and place on top of the hummus ⁣⠀
-Fry an egg and place on top of the tomatoes⁣⠀
-Top with pesto ⁣⠀

cottage cheese raspberry toast

Raspberry Cheesecake Toast: ⁣⠀
-Spread cottage cheese on toast ⁣⠀
-Top with raspberries, lemon zest, and a drizzle of honey ⁣

Let me know if you try any of these combinations and what your favorite toast combos are!


heather lasco confidently nourished dietitian

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